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Photo of Sand Beach Lake in autumn in Bolivar, TN


Bolivar, Tennessee

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Photo of Bolivar Municipal Center
Photo of Sand Beach Lake
Photo of books
Photo of North Main Street business fronts in Bolivar
Bolivar water tower

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See what people are saying

Photo of welcome to Bolivar sign at city limits

Once again, I am so proud to live in a  small town.

Sara S.

Black & white phoro of welcome to Bolivar sign

Thank you all!! Love this town and all of you.

Ann B.

black & white photo of welcome to Bolivar sign in Tennessee

I'm so proud to call Bolivar home.

Sandra W.

Experience Bolivar!

City of Bolivar Video Tour


211 N. Washington St.

Bolivar, TN  38008

(731) 658-2020

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©2013-2021 | City of Bolivar | Site Design & Photography by Sarah Rice

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