The month of April has been designated as Sexual Assault Awareness month. Wo/Men's Resource and Rape Assistance Program (WRAP) directly serves those impacted by sexual violence across 19 counties in West Tennessee, offering a wide array of trauma-informed and evidence-based services that are free and confidential. We also work closely within the communities we serve to bring awareness of sexual violence in an effort to further promote healthy and stable communities, families, and relationships.
April is the time for our communities to come together and honor the incredible strength and courage of survivors, while highlighting the resilience of our communities. With the appropriate resources and support, survivors of sexual violence can more easily overcome intense trauma, find healing, and achieve restoration. With increased and diligent awareness by each of us, we can finally disperse longstanding myths and stigmas surrounding survivors of sexual violence.
WRAP will be participating in the "Start by Believing" campaign throughout the month of April. This campaign focuses on ending the cycle of silence and changing the way we respond to sexual assault. It is important for us to "Start by Believing" when a friend or family member discloses to us that they have been a victim of sexual violence. To help build support within our communities, you can join WRAP and the "Start by Believing" campaign by making a personal pledge. Please contact WRAP at (731) 668-0411 to connect with your county advocate. If you or anyone you know has questions about sexual violence, please call the WRAP 24/7 helpline at 1-800-273-8712.
On April 7, 2021, Bolivar Mayor Julian McTizic and Hardeman County Mayor Jimmy Sain signed a proclamation designating April as Sexual Assault Awareness Month and Child Abuse Prevention Month in Bolivar and Hardeman County. "We are so blessed and grateful to both of these organizations [Hardeman County Exchange Club - Carl Perkins Center and WRAP] for the invaluable service that they provide to the citizens of Bolivar and Hardeman County," said Mayor McTizic.